The soap maker in action.
Photos courtesy of my daughter.
About Us
Handcrafted goat milk soap
I started this business after taking a leave of absence from an intense, high stress job that compromised my health in a very serious way, which made me reevaluate my career path, and my life. I knew I needed to be my own boss again but wasn't sure what exactly that meant. It was my husband that first suggested I start this adventure. I always joked that I would retire someday, buy a plot of land, raise goats and make soap! Even though we don't have any goats, (yet!) I do make all our products myself from scratch. And I'm having a blast doing it! It took weeks of research to come up with just the right combination of ingredients to make these soaps and lotions. I'm very proud of them! I hope you will be just as happy with our products too!